By selecting the type of math problems from the main menu and choosing hardness, start playing. Math problems never repeated and will change every time. Intelligent persons can gain higher level, use your brain and improve your level to showing your talent to others. By playing Brain Ball improve yourself instead of playing and waste your time.
- click puzzles, just choosing!
- puzzle games, thought and calculate fun.
- brain games, use your brain.
- find the hidden number
- easy to learn
- gorgeous glassy menu and buttons
- very nice physics
- more than 10000 levels for every part
- don't need WiFi
- enjoy games, play and enjoy Brain Ball for free
- Big Data for creating math problems
- the best game for every age
- the best game for education
- play with your relatives and friends
- it's awesome for playing children with their parents
- very nice game for improving your brain and memory
- very nice game for smart guys
- Brain Ball math problems contain of Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide and mix of them
- three types of math problems which contains easy, medium and hard for every part
- compatible with older devices
- nice musics and you can mute them by voice button on main menu
- no complex setting menu
- no boring math design
By going up levels, problems going to harder for example number of question mark balls or number of columns will increase as shown in photos.
Dengan memilih jenis masalah matematika dari menu utama dan memilih kekerasan, mulai bermain. masalah matematika tidak pernah diulang dan akan berubah setiap waktu. orang cerdas bisa mendapatkan tingkat yang lebih tinggi, gunakan otak Anda dan meningkatkan tingkat Anda untuk menunjukkan bakat Anda kepada orang lain. Dengan bermain Otak Bola memperbaiki diri sendiri bukannya bermain dan membuang-buang waktu Anda.
- klik teka-teki, hanya memilih!
- permainan puzzle, pikir dan menghitung menyenangkan.
- permainan otak, menggunakan otak Anda.
- menemukan nomor tersembunyi
- mudah untuk dipelajari
- menu kaca cantik dan tombol
- sangat bagus fisika
- lebih dari 10.000 tingkat untuk setiap bagian
- tidak perlu WiFi
- menikmati permainan, bermain dan menikmati Bola Brain gratis
- Big Data untuk menciptakan masalah matematika
- game terbaik untuk setiap usia
- game terbaik untuk pendidikan
- bermain dengan keluarga dan teman Anda
- itu mengagumkan untuk bermain anak-anak dengan orang tua mereka
- permainan yang sangat bagus untuk meningkatkan otak dan memori
- permainan yang sangat bagus untuk orang-orang pintar
- masalah Bola Otak matematika mengandung Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide dan campuran mereka
- tiga jenis masalah matematika yang berisi mudah, sedang dan sulit untuk setiap bagian
- kompatibel dengan perangkat yang lebih tua
- musik bagus dan Anda dapat menonaktifkan mereka dengan tombol suara pada menu utama
- ada menu pengaturan kompleks
- tidak ada desain matematika membosankan
Dengan naik tingkat, masalah akan sulit misalnya jumlah tanda tanya bola atau jumlah kolom akan meningkat seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam foto.
By selecting the type of math problems from the main menu and choosing hardness, start playing. Math problems never repeated and will change every time. Intelligent persons can gain higher level, use your brain and improve your level to showing your talent to others. By playing Brain Ball improve yourself instead of playing and waste your time.
- click puzzles, just choosing!
- puzzle games, thought and calculate fun.
- brain games, use your brain.
- find the hidden number
- easy to learn
- gorgeous glassy menu and buttons
- very nice physics
- more than 10000 levels for every part
- don't need WiFi
- enjoy games, play and enjoy Brain Ball for free
- Big Data for creating math problems
- the best game for every age
- the best game for education
- play with your relatives and friends
- it's awesome for playing children with their parents
- very nice game for improving your brain and memory
- very nice game for smart guys
- Brain Ball math problems contain of Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide and mix of them
- three types of math problems which contains easy, medium and hard for every part
- compatible with older devices
- nice musics and you can mute them by voice button on main menu
- no complex setting menu
- no boring math design
By going up levels, problems going to harder for example number of question mark balls or number of columns will increase as shown in photos.